
アンコンシャス・バイアス研修の実施/Keio University Conducts Unconscious Bias Training



講師には、ダイバーシティ・エクイティ&インクルージョン(DEI)の専門家である、塚原 月子 株式会社カレイディスト代表取締役社長をお迎えし、まずは上から変わっていくことが必要であるという趣旨から、対象者は、塾長、常任理事、塾監局長、常勤監事、大学病院長、そして、協生環境推進委員会の委員(すべての学部長、研究科委員長、一貫教育校長、関係センター長等)とする回となりました。






On August 19 and 29, Keio University conducted its first training sessions on unconscious bias.


Tsukiko Tsukihara, an expert in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and President of Kaleidist K.K., directed the sessions. Since change must first come from the top, participants included Keio University's President, Vice-Presidents, the Secretary General, full-time auditors, the Director General of the Keio University Hospital, and members of Keio's Committee on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (the Deans of each Faculty, Graduate School, Principals of Keio University Affiliated Schools, and the heads of Keio-affiliated centers).


Training was conducted in person through interactive seminars where participants learned about matters related to diversity, the concept of unconscious bias, and other basic awareness. The workshops provided an opportunity for participants to deepen their understanding of how they, as individuals, and Keio, as an organization, can improve and modify their current trajectories.


In mid-September, Keio plans to create a training session for all managerial staff, followed by a training video for faculty and staff members.