社会の先導者となることは慶應義塾の目標のひとつです。社会は変化とともにあり、いまそのスピードは急激に速くなっています。そして、SDGsの示す「誰一人取り残さない」未来像は、すべての人が同等に声をあげ、あらゆる声が反映される、包摂的な社会です。 協生環境推進室では、多様な人びとや考えがどれも同じように尊重され、受け入れられる環境づくりを目指しています。社会がよりグローバルに、複雑に、多様に、変わっていくなかで求められるのは、「広い視野」、「真摯な姿勢」、そして「寛大な心」ではないでしょうか。これらはインテグリティということばで表すことができます。
慶應義塾 常任理事
協生環境推進室 室長 奥田 暁代
The Office for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is dedicated to ensuring equity, enhancing diversity, and expanding inclusion with the goal to create a climate of self-respect and integrity throughout the greater Keio community.
Mutual support within this community is at the foundation of Keio. Through various new initiatives, we aim to foster respect and care for others. Demonstrating leadership for the next generation is another ideal of Keio; with the society changing rapidly, we strive to listen with broad minds and act with generosity. In other words, equity, diversity and inclusion are realized through individual and communal integrity.
Our goal is to ensure that diverse voices are heard and that, with full accessibility, every person carries a sense of belonging. To that end, a wide range of perspectives must be valued, diverse educational and work environments must be maintained, and a respectful inclusive culture must be achieved.
The Office for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion offers various platforms for creating physical settings as well as initiatives for inclusiveness and awareness. We are committed to achieving the pressing goal of generating a sense of belonging and the future-oriented goal of influencing mindsets and attitudes within the Keio community.
Every member's voice has an impact on Keio. We encourage self-respect and we engage as we act within the diversity of the global community.
Akiyo Okuda
Director, Office for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Vice-President, Keio University