慶應義塾 協生環境推進憲章


 また、福澤諭吉は「社会共存の道」とは、「人々自から権利を護り幸福を求むると同時に、他人の権利幸福を尊重して、苟(いやしく)も之(これ)を犯すことなく、以て自他の独立自尊を傷けざるに在り。」と編纂された『修身要領』の中で述べ、さらには人と人の交わりである「人間交際 (じんかんこうさい)」の実践を大切にしましたが、その実現は現在もなお途上にあり、いまだ多くの課題が存在しています。慶應義塾は、「協生」という理念の下、その解決に向けて、社中一致して取り組みます。

 多様な価値観が並存する今日、年齢・性別・SOGI(性的指向・性自認)・障害・ 文化・国籍・人種・信条・ライフスタイルなど、様々な背景を有する人々が、誰一人として社会から孤立したり排除されたりすることなく、互いの尊厳を尊重し合う社会が実現されなくてはなりません。

 慶應義塾は、「気品の泉源、智徳の模範」として「全社会の先導者」たらんとする創立以来の目的に沿って、多様な価値観を認め、自他の尊厳に等しく敬意を払い、協力し合う協生社会の実現を目指し、ここに慶應義塾 協生環境推進憲章を定めます。

憲 章

1 自他の尊厳に等しく敬意を払い、互いの人格を尊重し、協力し合う協生社会の実現を目指します。

2 多様な価値観への理解を深め、自分らしく生きることへの共感と配慮を育む啓発活動を推進します。

3 社会的障壁を取り除くことに努め、個々の選択に応じた生き方を実現できる環境を整備します。


Charter of the Keio University for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

 Keio founder Yukichi Fukuzawa wrote, "Heaven, it is said, does not create one person above or below another" in the opening to his book An Encouragement of Learning. Similarly, Keio University has had the cultivation of a spirit that respects the freedom, equality, and rights of every individual as its educational principle since its establishment.
 Additionally, in Shūshin Yōryō, a compilation of Fukuzawa's moral codes, he says: "The only way in which social life can continue is for each individual to keep unimpaired his or her own independence and self-respect as well as that of others. This may be done by respecting the rights and happiness of others at the same time that we seek our own happiness and protect our own rights." Furthermore, he emphasized the importance of acting in a manner that recognizes "social intercourse" or relationships between people, although we are still in the process of realizing this in practice as there remains many issues that must be addressed. Under the principle of "collaboration," Keio University and all members of the university "company" (shachu) will work together to find solutions to these issues.
 Diverse values coexist today, and we must realize a world in which we mutually respect each other's dignity and ensure that no one is isolated or excluded from society among people with a variety of backgrounds in terms of age, sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI), disability, culture, nationality, race, religion, and lifestyle.
 While keeping in line with its founding mission to "become a leader in all societies" by being a "source of honorable character and a paragon of intellect and morals," Keio University will move forward with the aim of realizing a collaborative society in which people cooperate with each other, accept a variety of values, and equally pay respect to the dignity of oneself and others. To this end, we have established the following charter for the Keio University for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.


1.We aim to realize an inclusive society of cooperation, mutual respect, dignity, and tolerance for all.

2.We will advocate for a deeper understanding of different values and will cultivate a culture of empathy and compassion for being true to oneself.

3.We will strive to remove social barriers and foster an environment that empowers people with choice and control over their own lives.

Keio University