1 慶應義塾大学は,創立者福澤諭吉が「天は人の上に人を造らず,人の下に人を造らずと云えり」と『学問のすゝめ』の冒頭で述べたように,一人ひとりの自由・平等・権利を尊ぶ精神の涵養を建学以来教育理念として掲げてきました。慶應義塾大学では,この教育理念を実現すべく「障害者基本法」,「障害を理由とする差別の解消の推進に関する法律」(障害者差別解消法),「文部科学省所管事業分野における障害を理由とする差別の解消の推進に関する対応指針」(文部科学省対応指針)および「障害のある学生の修学支援に関する検討会報告(文部科学省 第一次・第二次まとめ)」等に基づき,障害のある学生が必要なサポートを必要なタイミングで受けることができるよう「合理的配慮」の適切な提供に向けて取り組んでいきたいと考えています。そのことにより,慶應義塾大学で学ぶ全ての学生に等しい学びの場が生まれることを目的として,このガイドラインを制定します。
2 慶應義塾は,教職員・学生・生徒・児童が,互いの人格を尊重し多様な価値観を認め協力して生きるための環境を構築し,多様性の受容に関する課題に迅速に対処するため,2018年4月1日に協生環境推進室を設置しました。慶應義塾大学における障害のある学生に対する支援は,協生環境推進室が後方支援の役割を多角的に担いながら,学生が所属する学部,研究科の学習指導担当教員や科目担当者および学生部・学生課または通信教育部の職員が主体的に当該学生の支援を行っていきます。また,メンタル面でのサポートは学生相談室または心身ウェルネスセンター等が窓口となって当該学生を支援します。
3 支援の対象となるのは,慶應義塾大学の学部・研究科に所属する学生となります。また,支援の内容は,当該学生の障害の内容によって異なりますが,本人からの申し出を起点とし,必要となる支援の内容と大学が提供できる支援の内容を,建設的な話し合いの場において都度すり合わせを行い,支援の内容(合理的配慮の提供)を決定します。この際に本学では以下の三つの点に留意します。
4 慶應義塾大学における障害のある学生に対する支援に関わるすべての関係者は,「慶應義塾個人情報保護規程」を遵守し,障害のある学生に関する個人情報を適切に取り扱います。
5 慶應義塾大学における障害のある学生への支援に対する不服申し立てへの対応は調停委員会(以下,「本委員会」とする。)が行います。本委員会では,申し立てのあった内容について,紛争解決に向けた調査・調停を行います。なお,不服申し立ての窓口は本委員会の事務局を担当する協生環境推進室とします。
6 このガイドラインは,本学に来訪した者等に準用します。
7 このガイドラインは,技術の革新や社会情勢の変化等によって,合理的配慮の内容や程度等に変化が生じた場合等に必要に応じて見直し,適時,充実を図るものとします。なお,この際には,不当な差別的取り扱いおよび合理的配慮の具体例の集積等を踏まえるとともに,国際的な動向も勘案し,また,法および対応指針の変更等も踏まえるものとします。また,改廃手続きは協生環境推進委員会の議を経て,塾長が決定します。
1. The founder of Keio University, Yukichi Fukuzawa, once wrote, "Heaven, it is said, does not create one person above or below another" in the opening to his book An Encouragement of Learning. In line with those values, since its inception, Keio University has worked to cultivate a spirit that respects the freedom, equality, and rights of every individual as one of its core educational principles. Striving to live up to this school philosophy, Keio has committed to working toward the adequate provision of reasonable accommodations, ensuring that students with disabilities can receive the support they need when they need it. These efforts have roots in anti-discriminatory legislation and educational policy, including the Basic Act for Persons with Disabilities; the Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities; the Guidelines for the Elimination of Discrimination on the Basis of Disability in Business Fields under the Jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT); and the Report on Educational Support for Students with Disabilities (First and Second Summary) distributed by MEXT. To continue such efforts, the university shall establish these guidelines to create an equitable learning environment for all students at Keio University.
Support Policy
2. Keio University established the Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion on April 1, 2018, to carry out the objective of building an environment conducive to staff, faculty members, and students of all ages cooperating and coexisting in a spirit of mutual respect and acceptance for one another's individual personalities and various values, and to facilitate prompt responses to issues relating to welcoming diversity. The Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion plays a multifaceted role in providing system-level support for students with disabilities at Keio University. Simultaneously, students' undergraduate faculty and graduate school academic advisors, as well as the staff at the Office of Student Services and the Office of Correspondence Courses, will work directly and independently to support students. For mental health services, the Student Counseling Room and Center for Physical and Mental Wellness at SFC provide an avenue for students seeking such assistance.
Eligibility for Support Services and Accommodations Protection of Personal Information Petitions for Revising Accommodations Scope of Guidelines Revision or Abolition of Guidelines
3. All students enrolled in an undergraduate faculty or graduate school at Keio University are eligible for support. The support that Keio offers varies depending on the nature of each student's disability. The specifics of the support (provision of reasonable accommodation) are determined based on what each student requests and will be determined after a constructive discussion that finds overlap between the support a student needs and what specific mechanisms the university is able to provide. In making these decisions, Keio University will bear in mind the following three principles.
i) Considerations for reasonable accommodation begin with requests from students themselves.
ii) When determining the specifics of reasonable accommodation, the university will consider the wishes of each student and refrain from making unilateral decisions.
iii) As what constitutes reasonable accommodation may vary depending on individual course content and the disabilities that students face, Keio will regularly review the provisions of accommodations made.
4. All parties engaged in the support of students with disabilities at Keio University shall comply with the "Keio University Rules to Protect Personal Information," and handle the personal information of students with disabilities appropriately.
5. A mediation committee (hereinafter referred to as the "Committee") will process petitions for alterations to the support offered by Keio University for students with disabilities. The Committee will investigate and mediate to redress the issues presented in petitions. The Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, the secretariat office for the Committee, will serve as point of contact when petitioning for further accommodations.
6. These guidelines will also be adjusted and applied as necessary to visitors at Keio University.
7. The contents and standards for these guidelines shall be reviewed in a timely manner when the concept of "reasonable accommodation" shifts due to technological advancements or societal developments. In doing so, Keio will take stock of accumulated concrete examples of impropriety and discriminatory treatment, reasonable accommodation, as well as international trends and changes in relevant laws and corresponding guidelines. The President of Keio University will grant final approval following deliberation by the Committee on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.