ダイバーシティ・エクイティ&インクルージョン(DEI)の推進に関する基本方針 Basic Policy on the Promotion of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

1 基本理念
慶應義塾では,「教職員・学生・生徒・児童が,互いの人格を尊重し多様な価値観を認め協力して生きるための環境を構築し,多様性の受容に関する課題に迅速に対処する」という目的を実現するために2018 年4月に協生環境推進室を設置しました。また,「慶應義塾 協生環境推進憲章」を制定し,「年齢・性別・SOGI(性的指向・性自認)・障害・ 文化・国籍・人種・信条・ライフスタイルなど,様々な背景を有する人々が,誰一人として社会から孤立したり排除されたりすることなく,互いの尊厳を尊重し合う社会」の実現を宣言しています。この宣言の実現に向け,この基本方針を定め,ダイバーシティ・エクイティ&インクルージョン(DEI)を尊重する環境や制度の一層の整備に努めてまいります。


2 基本方針











塾長 伊藤公平



Basic Policy on the Promotion of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

1. Underlying philosophy
Keio established the Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion on April 1, 2018, to pursue the objective of building an environment conducive to staff, faculty members, and students of all ages cooperating and coexisting in a spirit of mutual respect and acceptance for one another's individual personalities and values, and to facilitate the institution's ability to respond quickly to issues related to encouraging diversity. Keio also drafted the Charter for the Promotion of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, which challenges us to strive for a world in which no one--regardless of their age, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, culture, nationality, race, religion, or lifestyle--is isolated or excluded from society. To pursue the goals stated in this charter, Keio has established the following basic policies and will strive to further develop an environment and systems that foster diversity, equity, and inclusion.

2. Basic policy and priorities
i. Educating and promoting awareness regarding what constitutes a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment
Keio will advance initiatives aimed at increasing social awareness of different individuals' identities and ways of thinking, and promoting mutual respect among students, faculty, and staff members of all ages.


ii. Training students to foster DEI
Keio shall produce graduates who will lead in the creation of a cooperative society by emphasizing the integrity of having an open mind, a generous heart, and a sincere attitude. These graduates shall understand, accept, and empathize with people from all backgrounds.


iii. Sharing information and establishing an environment where students, faculty, and staff members live collaboratively
Keio's activities shall not be limited to raising awareness around diversity. They will also focus on educating students, faculty, and staff members about diverse ways of thinking, learning, and working, as well as spreading awareness and creating conditions on campus that allow each student, faculty, and staff member to live up to their full potential.


iv. Reviewing systems and incorporating voices from Keio's community into the decision-making process
When Keio makes decisions, we will strive to consider the full spectrum of diversity that makes up our community, establish a system that can reflect each individual's opinions, and reevaluate this system on a regular basis.


v. Establishing a point of contact for consultation
We will further improve our consultation services, including at the Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, to create an environment where staff, faculty members, and students of all ages respect each other and where no one is isolated or excluded.


April 1, 2023

Prof. Kohei Itoh
Keio University