Requesting Reasonable Accommodations

 Support for students with disabilities at Keio University will be provided by the @ease Project in cooperation with other relevant departments, as shown in the diagram and flow chart below. Students who wish to apply for reasonable accommodations* should first visit the Office of Student Services of their undergraduate faculty/graduate school. This will begin the application process for reasonable accommodations. Once a request is made, the office will ask about the student's situation and provide options that suit their individual needs.

 When making your request, please fill out and bring a copy of the application form for reasonable accommodations. We have also provided a flowchart of how to fill out this form, so feel free to reference it as you put together your request.

*Reasonable Accommodations shall be defined as necessary actions taken in accordance with Article 7 of the Japanese Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities: "If a person with a disability expresses the genuine willingness to eliminate the social barrier, an administrative organ, etc., in conducting its administrative affairs or other work, must provide reasonable accommodation to implement the elimination of the social barrier so long as the burden associated with the relevant implementation is not disproportionate, in accordance with the sex, age, and state of the disability of the person with a disability so that the rights and interests of the person with the disability is not violated."

It takes approximately one month to finalize accommodations after the application is submitted. Because reasonable accommodations are provided and scheduled based on the academic semester, if you are hoping to receive special considerations during your current term, we recommend submitting your application by the following dates.
Spring Semester: May 31
Fall Semester: November 30

Process of Requesting Reasonable Accommodations

Beginning the application process

Students are responsible for initiating the application process to receive reasonable accommodations. Visit the Office of Student Services for your undergraduate faculty or graduate school to make your initial request. Make sure to fill out and bring the "application form for reasonable accommodations" with you to the office.
Application for Reasonable Accommodations for Schoolwork
How to fill out the application for reasonable accommodation

Office of Accessible Education: Display support options

Submitting the reasonable accommodations application form

The Office of Student Services at your affiliated undergraduate faculty or graduate school will take the reasonable accommodations application form. At this point in time, the administrative staff will go over what you wrote on the application form, confirm what types of accommodations you hope to receive, and, when necessary, ask for your explanations behind certain requests.

Reviewing the application and discussing reasonable accommodations

Your submitted application form for reasonable accommodations will be examined primarily by your academic advisor at your affiliated undergraduate faculty or graduate school. During this stage, when it proves necessary, you will be asked to discuss your application to go over details. Please follow the instructions of relevant staff members at this time.
Office of Accessible Education: When necessary, a staff member will accompany you to accommodation discussions

Official decision on reasonable accommodations

The specifics of which accommodations Keio will provide will be decided by your affiliated undergraduate faculty or graduate school based on the application you submitted. Once a decision is reached, you will be notified by the Office of Student Services. Likewise, the results will be shared with the faculty members or instructors who are teaching courses you are enrolled in or plan to enroll in.

Enrollment begins

Courses will begin at the beginning of the semester. Instructors will conduct classes while providing support as agreed upon in the approved reasonable accommodations. At this time, @ease supporters may also be involved in providing assistance.
Office of Accessible Education: Provides assistance through @ease supporters, specialized equipment, etc.

Reviewing and fine-tuning reasonable accommodations

Once classes have begun, if you feel like the accommodations you are receiving are inadequate or unsatisfactory because of a possible miscommunication or other issue, please report this to the Office of Student Services. Based on this report, the university will make appropriate adjustments.
If, even after repeatedly trying to fine-tune the accommodations, you find that the situation has still not improved or you cannot come to an agreement with involved parties, you can submit an appeal to an arbitration committee.
Contact: Arbitration committee (administered by the Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion)